Alibaba Cloud Solutions 2023 - Alibaba Made Easy

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Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud

Connect your business to China and Asian markets with a comprehensive suite of Cloud computing services.
Alibaba Cloud


The Future of Database, Unveiled

Alibaba Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of global cloud computing services to help power and grow your business, with over 2.3 million customers worldwide. We are the No. 1 public cloud provider in China and Asia Pacific for IaaS according to Gartner and support customers locally with two availability zones covering Australia and New Zealand.

Locally we support businesses looking to expand to China and Asia Pacific and can deliver business value through cloud services with better account servicing, agile solution implementation and cost savings.

Cloud Solutions


Infrastructure Services

Data Intelligence
Big Data
ET Brain
Private Cloud

Industry &
Application Engine
Management Communications
Enterprise Service

Application Security
Data Security
Managed Security Services
Network Security
Server Security

Case studies

How businesses in Australia and New Zealand can maximise their revenue via Alibaba Cloud.


Equip with the latest cloud solutions, insights and strategies to scale your business.

Building a China-Ready Business

China Gateway Whitepaper

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Overview Brochure

Alibaba Cloud

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Business Forum 2022 playback

Alibaba Cloud

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Hybrid Cloud Platform

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Security Whitepaper

Alibaba Cloud

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Empowering China presence and beyond

Empowering China presence and beyond

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