Grow Beyond Global: Mini Webinar Series - Digital economy insights from industry leaders Episode 2 (Scott Ni) - Alibaba Made Easy

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Grow Beyond Global: Mini Webinar Series — Digital economy insights from industry leaders Episode 2 (Scott Ni)


Grow Beyond Global Mini Webinar Series has 18-part video series to engage with the local business communities about the digital economy, and to display Alibaba Ecosystem’s and each business unit’s capabilities and partnerships.

This Mini Webinar Series will introduce what Alibaba’s digital economy is and how business should transform their business via different solutions in Alibaba’s ecosystem.

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It is not only Cross-border eCommerce that helps our local business to thrive but more. Episode 2 of Grow Throw Global Scott Ni, the Senior Director of Alibaba Group Australia and New Zealand will discuss the following questions:

  1.  Where are the trends and opportunities for Australian SMBs under this COVID-19?
  2.  In light of COVID – What are some of the categories that are trending in the global B2B sector from the ANZ market?
  3.  How can ANZ SMBs get reach with Alibaba ANZ?

If you want to discuss more about your business, feel free to get in touch !!!


Date 12 October 2021 Location Webinar


Scott Ni

Senior Director of Alibaba Group Australia and New Zealand

Episode 2 of “Grow Through Global” features Scott Ni, Senior Director of Alibaba Group ANZ. Scott shares his take on trending categories in the global export and B2B arenas along with tips for SMB owners looking to explore new opportunities.

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